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7 Strategies to Grow Your Business and make it pandemic-proof

You may have launched your business, but are currently stuck because you don’t know what the next steps are. Or you may have taken several steps already in the past, but weren’t successful. Do not fret! We will provide the answers you badly need: 7 strategies to grow your business during and post-pandemic.

1. Investing in paid advertising

With paid advertising, marketers pay the owner of the ad space in exchange for use of that space. Spaces that provide quantity and quality reach.

With the presence of digital marketing channels and the eminence of different social media platforms, business must continue to be effective and relevant. And for these to be realized, waiting for customers to find you organically is never an option. Brands should invest in paid advertising marketing strategies to be able to target, appeal, and engage with a specific audience.

2. Optimizing your website

Businesses do not usually consider this, they simply get away with it for they think that it is unnecessary. However, you must realize that optimizing your website is like establishing a digital shop of your own, where you can present your products and services 24/7 without a brick-and-mortar presence.

With an optimized website, businesses are given the opportunity to build their brand image and gain consumer loyalty in a platform that is resistant to any calamity, unforeseen circumstance, or even a global pandemic. Despite the occurrences in the physical world, businesses can continue its operations and generate revenue through their websites.

3. Hosting virtual events or partaking in virtual event sponsorships

Be it a small or large corporation, hosting virtual events and partaking in virtual event sponsorships boost brand awareness and widen market reach. This is also a statement as to how willing the business is to unceasingly commit and proactively reach out to its customers even in this time of pandemic.

As the events are virtually held, there are no location constraints which allows businesses to cut costs and expenses. Also, in instances where your company is just a sponsor, you are simply paying a minimum amount to a third-party agency for them to promote your brand logo, product and services every time they go live in digital platforms like; Facebook, Instagram Live, Zoom webinar, LinkedIn Live, Tiktok Live, and Shopee Live.

4. Becoming a thought leader with content marketing

Content marketing is offering creative and valuable content to your target audience free of cost. Blogs and articles, tutorials and educational documents, newsletters, vlogs, webinars, podcasts, and others are just a few examples of this marketing strategy. Applying content marketing in your campaign is relatively good, however being a thought leader in your niche, establishes authority.

According to stats, content marketing can help you generate three times more leads and cost you 62 percent less than traditional marketing strategies. This is best utilized by researching the most searched keywords and phrases relative to your industry and target market to increase brand visibility and relevance through search engine optimization.

5. Creating engaging video content

Data shows that 64 percent of customers will buy a product after watching your online video. This is because, through video ads, businesses are able to offer value and create a brand story, and hit the audience emotionally in an artistic sense, without the need of being too salesy.

However, creating video content alone is not enough. Business must engage in running video ads, and take a proactive stance in optimizing content for search engines to know about your video, and suggest it to a specific audience.

6. Connecting with prospects via email marketing

Email marketing is almost free of charge that is why it is considered as the cheapest means of marketing. Despite of being cheap, email marketing still offers a wide variety of help that ranges from targeting new and potential customers, to remarketing products and services to customers who have already interacted with your brand.

Even with the proliferation of other marketing strategies, email marketing continues to be efficient as it is able to deliver specific contents and messages to a specifically targeted audience. Through it, businesses are able to stay on top of customers mind, rent-free.

7. Getting found on search engines with SEO

With search engine optimization, your company’s online contents are optimized so that the search engine will show your brand as a top result for searches of a certain word. That is why, with search engine optimization, getting a high rank in search results is guaranteed.

This is an effective way to establish brand awareness, and to consistently be a top of the mind choice of your target audience.

Generally, growing a business in 2021 and onwards–especially with the presence of this pandemic, is a difficult task. However, businesses should invest in the growing presence and dominance of the digital market. There are various advertising means and marketing strategies to develop brand awareness and establish being top of the mind in the audience perspective such as; (1) Investing in paid advertising, (2) Optimizing your website, (3) Hosting virtual events or partaking in virtual event sponsorships, (4) Becoming a thought leader with content marketing, (5) Creating engaging video content, (6) Connecting with prospects via email marketing, and (7) Getting found on search engines with SEO.

If you are a business owner or marketer looking for tech-savvy help with digital marketing to grow your business in 2021, contact me.

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